7 Am - Ryker didn't get the memo that Mommy had too much wine at Suz's house last night and needs to sleep in.
7:22 Am - Mommy elbows Daddy to alert him to the baby's screams, that are growing more desperate with each passing second.
7:29 Am - Daddy stumbles out of bed and goes to get "his son".
7:30 Am - Daddy returns to the bedroom with whining baby, who is no longer crying, but saying Mama incessantly.
8:10 Am - Mommy finally crawls out of bed after an extensive game of elbow hockey with Ryker - several bruised ribs and a black eye later - she concedes that sleeping in is not going to happen today.
8:14 Am - Ryker throws the bottle of Excedrin that Mommy so desperately needs in the toilet. Mommy's rage and screams finally get Daddy out of bed.
8:20 Am - Kids are eating breakfast, Ryker is smashing banana all over himself and his highchair. Mommy drinks coffee and searches for another bottle of Excedrin.
8:45 Am - Ryker empties out the dog food bowl on the floor, gets his butt smacked and positioned in time out.
9:30 Am - Daddy slinks downstairs, uncertain of the state of mind that Mommy is in this morning. He quietly eats his eggs, knowingly walking on metaphorical egg shells.
10:10 Am - Daddy leaves for Marshall to fix his brakes and rectify the dead sticker he has been riding around with for three weeks.
10:40 Am - Evidently Mommy spends too much time checking email - because this is how Gena and Ryker have been spending the last bit of their morning -
"Ryker, please stop twirling. Yes, yes... it is very pretty. Let's go watch some football, son."
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