I thought that this task was Ken's "department" because he had shown the house and met the potential rentals. He thought it was my "department" because I have more freedom to make phone calls throughout the day.
Evidently he has some obnoxious responsibilities throughout the day called work that prohibit him from making personal (although it is a personal business matter) phone calls.
I say hogwash... isn't that what his lunch hour is for? Much to my dismay, he didn't agree and I ended up making the phone calls. Although I firmly believe that these phone calls were certainly not in my "department".
Ken seems to think that we don't have "departments" and we share the load equally....
... excuse me a moment while I regain my control after my uncontrollable fit of laughter...
Now, I am not saying I do everything... (because I know he reads this blog and that would get me in big trouble)... but I am not sure that our work load is equal.
He does earn the living, provides a roof over our head and food in our bellies. He definitely pays all the bills and is much more of a stern disciplinarian than I will ever be. He does play his role there. And these obvious necessities carry much more weight and importance than laundry duty and loading the dishwasher.
But lets face it ladies... I am the domestic goddess (DG). My "departments" are too numerous to list individually. I run this joint that Mr. Bring Home the Bacon pays for.
Kids... my DEPARTMENT- to insure that they are fed, clean, not killing each other.. as well as all their activities and school dealings... that Department encompasses most of my day.
Household Chores... Got it covered... I don't think my husband has done a load of laundry (not that I would let him for fear he might wash my white bras with his denim jeans), vacuumed a square inch, cooked a meal or fed the dog in months. He lives with the luxury that this DG has it all handled.
Finances... yup, handle this too... although I am quite thankful for this responsibility because if he saw the number of Target, Kohl's or Walmart debits on our account I might have to find another household to rule.
So obviously I accepted the role that I played by making the decision to be a stay-at-home mom. But I am certainly not eating bon-bons and watching soaps all day... it takes work and energy and creativity to keep a big house and big family running smoothly...
Now added to my to do list is interviewing references... have I mentioned I don't like calling to order pizza? Ever since I was little I hated talking on the phone! And he knows this and is equally uncomfortable with the task. This is why he puts it on me... he knows I'll cave. I don't have a leg to stand on. What excuse can I use to not make some calls? I'm too busy vacuuming? Baking cookies? Watching Tori and Dean, Home Sweet Hollywood? (this one is the most likely!)
Am I wrong to think he should handle this? Am I wrong to claim that we do have "departments" and they work does not seem to be shared equally?
Well, in the end I did make the phone calls. And in the last few days have thrown in the snide remark, "I guess I'll do it... it is my department after all."
.... have to run, diaper duty is calling now... and that is DEFINITELY my department!
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