Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of consignment...
Ever since I was younger, I loved to shop. My mom's manic moments allowed for numerous get-out-of-school free shopping days, which were absolutely fantastic as a teenager! The fury and fever to shop has never left my core and it was only magnified when I started popping out kids.
Before Genavieve was born, she had a closet full of little pink and purple dresses and hats. And we aren't talking your typical after-baby-shower stash. We are talking about filling up an ENTIRE closet of miniature little outfits, most of which she probably never even wore.
As she grew older, I reveled in her fashion sense and it fed my addiction even more. One of my proudest Mommy Moments was when my two year old daughter refused to leave the house because she couldn't find a hair bow to match her outfit. I had to fight back the tears of pride! My little fashion diva.
I was a single Mommy in those days. And I certainly was in no position to go out and shop willy-nilly (and yes, that is a very technical term) at department stores to dress my little fashionista. I had to get creative.
That is when I discovered thrift stores... I would case them out on my lunch hour. Thumbing through racks of clothes to find just the perfect thing that some other Mommy was crazy enough to get rid of.
You wouldn't believe some of the treasures I found. But it was a lot of work! That is when I discovered the consignments sales.
Did you know there is a place where you can buy Children's Place, Gymboree, Carter's and all the other fabulous name-brand clothes for less than half price? A consignment sale usually runs anywhere from a couple of days to three weeks. Mommies take their children's outgrown clothing and "consigns" it at the sale. It is like a giant yard sale, but instead of having to weed through all the junk most people sell, it is strictly clothing and other children-related items.
Before my son was born, he had two seasons worth of clothes ready and waiting for him. I kid you not, 80% of my kids wardrobe comes from consignment sales.
The first time I walked into the Wee-cycled Wardrobe consignment sale in Fredericksburg, it was like an oasis. I think I heard angels singing as I walked through the doors and was faced with rack upon rack of kids clothes.
I have not turned back since. I hit every local consignment sale in the area and I am on every consignor's mailing list there is. This is the season for consignment. Most sales only run twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Fall and back-to-school season is upon us.
For the last two years, not only do I shop, but I am a consignor. I go through all of my kids clothes and sell them (mostly to pay my tab for shopping). So being a consignor gives you special rights and privileges. You get to shop an entire day before the public is invited.
Laugh now, but you can't begin to imagine how important it is to get into the sale early. You might just miss the perfect outfit if you don't get there first. So that is where my sister and I find ourselves. Waiting in line, with our laundry baskets in hand, ready to be filled.

Promptly at 3:00 they opened the doors for shoppers, with strict instructions to shop calmly. Yes, these people have to be warned, because things can get out of hand!

In the midst of our frenzied search, a little girl snatches a Dora doll off our cart while her mother wasn't paying attention. Damn Moms bringing their kids - amateurs! Taking another shoppers item is something you just don't do in this shopping world! Four year old or not - give back my Dora Brat! (ok, so I didn't really say that, but the little girl did cry when her Mom returned it to our cart!)
Then there is another woman that is causing quite a ruckus on the toddler aisle. We will call her Hoarder Whore for her privacy... she had pile upon pile of clothes laid out all over the floor making it difficult for anyone to get around her. She was one of "those"... that pulled stuff off the rack, with no intention of buying it all, just piling it up to go through later. These types aren't looked upon too kindly, you take what you want and leave the rest on the rack.
My sister stalked Hoarder Whore for a long time, waiting for her to return her 3T leftovers to the rack. She was like a Mama tiger stalking prey for her young... but instead of antelope it was an orange and brown Gymboree outfit.
As we moved through the various sizes, our cart reached a ridiculous height. We were, after all shopping for the SEVEN children we had between us.
Here is the result of our frenzied shopping...

Love the blog.. as always had me laughing. I wanna go next time for Ty. You'll have to let me know. And I've lived here a long time but don't know where the field house if.
Love the Blogs...
Love ya, Aunt Janine
LOL!!! That was awesome!! I, too, live for the Weecycled sale, and consign strictly to pay off my tab there.
I swear, I about died when I saw the Hoarder Whore comment. That lady was driving me nuts!! I was looking at the 3t clothes, too and she was just spread out on the floor, all comfortable.
Gotta love weecycled. I don't know what I'd do without them..
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