When I mentioned to him yesterday that I wanted to paint yet again... another bathroom, he was less than enthused. He moaned and groaned and asked why did I want to paint all of a sudden.
Well it certainly wasn't a "sudden decision". Ever since we moved into this stark white walled, white carpeted, picture-less house three months ago I have been dying to paint. Well dying to pay someone to paint, actually. Not so keen on the process myself.
But with our situation as it is now, we just can't throw out a couple grand to have the whole thing painted all at once... so I thought it would be a good idea to start it myself.
And since I lack the ability or patience for this task, I decided to start small.... very small. I picked the smallest little nook in our house. The 5x5 guest bathroom may not seem like much of a challenge to your average Suzy Homeowner... but to me it might have well been Texas.
So this morning I drug the crew out to Lowes to pick paint colors and get supplies. I had wisely prepped with miles of blue tape the night before, so I was all ready to go. We decided on a color, to which I think my husband agreed upon just to get out of the damn store, and went about our merry way.
At home, I insisted that my husband had to take the tank off the toilet so I could paint behind it. He thought I could just throw a few splashes where you could see and it would be fine. I won and the tank came off.
*side note - There are great domestic benefits to having a blog, as I have found out today. Because when we were discussing the tank removal, he finally conceded stating that he better or else I'll write something nasty on my blog. I am overcome with POWER right now!!!
So my wonderful Hubby and I proceed to paint our little bathroom (Ryker blessed us with an unorthodoxed two hour nap so we can complete our task).
I am so pleased and so proud of my accomplishment. Not once did I curse or throw a paintbrush or give up and make my husband finish the job!
After the painting was all done, it was time to put the joint back in order. I replaced all the receptacles, towel bars, and mirror and my husband had the joy of putting the tank back onto its rightful home.
Can I just say that the only talent my husband has as a plumber is the infamous crack??!??
Bless his little non-plumbing heart (and ass), after several attempts and a couple rolls of paper towels, he got the tank back on, leak free. It was quite a "calamity" as he put it... hitting his head on the commode a time or two and getting a massive leg cramp in the process.
I even managed to convince the poor man to hang up some pictures for me... this is a task he GREATLY despises because I am never satisfied. Not to mention it was almost 11 o'clock when I finally convinced him!
Much to both of our surprise, I was 100% happy with how the whole project turned out!
It is very difficult to get a picture seeing as the bathroom is so small!
So today the guest bathroom...... TOMORROW THE WORLD! Or maybe another bathroom... who knows, only 13 more rooms to go!
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